February 13, we have a lot of impulsive and revolutionary energy for change with Mars conjuncting Uranus at the last degree,29, of Aries. This is the end of a major cycle of Action and freedom. So take time to act on what liberates you now!
Then on romantic Valentines Day, February 14th, Mars enters the sensual, materialistic Earth Sign of Taurus through March. This will slow us down to take stock of what we truly value and enjoy in our lives and I predict more time for the sensual pleasures of life ! A pleasant aspect between Venus in Ambitious Earth sign of Capricorn, and Neptune in Pisces on February 17, helps us to have more compassion for others and to enjoy the arts and other forms of inspiration. February 18, brings a combination of freedom of expression, with Sun making a pleasant aspect to Uranus, at the last degree of Aquarius and Aries. These two signs are the most interested in independence, so find time to do your own thing as well as bring innovation to others. February 18 we also have a very serious conjunction between Venus, the planet of love, values, pleasure, money and the arts, in Earth sign Capricorn and Saturn , the planet of responsibilities. Today is an important day and a good one to start a new business or to undertake new financial decisions based on slow and steady development. February 19, brings the Moon in Pisces, opposite(Full) the Sun in Pisces. With a harmonious aspect that morning between Mercury and Neptune, as well as that evening between Mercury and Saturn, we can use our intuition to our fullest capabilities to take care of practical affairs. Now is the time for true heart to heart conversations, as well as enjoy a good escape from reality with art, music, a good book or movie, or dancing! Remember that Pisces is the most self sacrificing sign along with Earthy Virgo, so use this Full MOon energy to heal yourself and to be of Service. Be careful to not become a victim or to support victim consciousness. Use the energies at hand for conscious , spiritual work on yourself and to heal and help, which Virgo is good for along with Pisces. February 22, has a lot of energy for positive ideas and communications with Mercury in Pisces making a tense square to Jupiter in Sagitarius. Be careful to not over commit yourself, and to stay grounded. February 22, also brings a very intense conjunction between Venus in Earthy Capricorn and Pluto. This is a very powerful aspect that highlights deep control issues taking place in high places. Use this energy to again focus on the areas of your responsibilities that need overhauls, or where you can make deep transformations in your career, business or job. Take care , Be loving and kind to yourself and others. If you want to know how the planets are affecting you and how to navigate your life , contact me for an appointment by phone or in person. Blessings, Ruth Nodel 269-668-3412 [email protected]
Ruth Nodel
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March 2021
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