June 2
Today the energies are very positive for relationships as well as material gain with a harmonious trine between Venus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. June 3 Today the energies are fortunate for new ideas with the New Moon in the communicative Air sign of Gemini. Watch out for over thinking, over extending yourself. Stay grounded and realistic! June 4 Mercury the planet of communication, moves into the emotional, water sign of Cancer, the Crab. WE are now thinking more with our feelings, about food, family, home and security. June 7 Today the stars are very fortunate for innovative and spontaneous thinking and communications with a harmonious sextile between Mercury in Cancer and Uranus in Taurus. Especially good for matters relating to home, family, food and security. June 8 Today Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, the arts and values, moves into the social, communicative Air sign of Gemini, making us more interested in socializing and communicating. June 9 Today the energies could get a bit confusing, but spiritual with the Sun in social , curious Gemini, making a tense square to Neptune, the planet of spirituality in dreamy water sign Pisces. Not a good day for practical affairs, but good for creativity , spirituality. Could feel a bit tired. Take extra time for health with the Moon in Virgo. June 10 Today we are going to feel like we can accomplish everything and anything with an expansive , but overly optimistic opposition from the Sun in dualistic and changeable Gemini and Jupiter in positive and jovial Truth seeking Sagitarrius. Today we will try out others truths and or hope to convince others of our truths. Watch out for over doing it ! June 13 and 14 We now will feel very compassionate and loving as well as creative and intuitive , with a harmonious trine between Mars in water sign Cancer and Neptune in water sign Pisces. June 16 Today we may be on a mental roller coaster with two very different aspects to Mercury the planet of the mind and communication. Mercury makes a harmonious trine that makes us feel very intuitive and compassionate. Then Mercury makes a very serious and challenging opposition to Saturn, the planet of limitations and responsibilities in Capricorn. Stay in the most peaceful mind space you can to make the most of this challenging day. Then we may feel very inspired to look for spiritual guidance and inspiration with Jupiter in Fire sign Sagitarrius, expanding us with a challenging square to Neptune, the planet of spirituality. It can be uplifting, or deceptive . Stay grounded as well today. June 17 Today the Moon is full in the expansive, optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. Everything we have worked for in the last two weeks will come to fruition. What kind of mental seeds have you planted, as you will reap what you sow! June 18 Today the planets of discipline and spirituality will be harmonious for accomplishing our dreams with Saturn in Capricorn sextiling Neptune in Pisces. Earth and Water are compatible. Emotions with practicality. We also have a very emotional and active energy today for communicating our feelings with Mercury and Mars conjunct (together) in Cancer, the water sign of family, feelings, home and security. Watch out for over-reacting now. June 19 Today we have two very intense transits. Not a very easy day now. With Mercury in emotional, intuitive Water sign Cancer opposing Pluto in Earth Sign Capricorn. Good day for research and deep emotional clearing, not good for discussing differences. Take time to breath deeply and slowly! Mars in emotional and home body Cancer now is opposing Pluto also that day making us focus on what we can do to let go of what needs to go now. Good time for home renovations and cleaning! Watch out for negative people and situations. Stay clear of situations that do not feel safe. Good day for psychic readings! June 21 Today on Summer Solstice, Neptune, the planet of spirituality goes retrograde in Pisces, making us focus on what inspires us now. Happy first day of Summer/longest day of the year! June 23 Today we may feel like being very social and curious about other cultures and religions, with Venus ,the planet of relationships in Air sign Gemini (Social, curious) opposing Jupiter, the planet of expansion, travel, education, religion, truth, in Fire sign Sagittarius. Watch out for eating too much and too rich! June 24 Today we may feel very dreamy and inspired as well as confused about our relationships, with Venus making a challenging Square to Neptune. Enjoying a good music, or movie or inspirational book or class is highlighted, but not a good day for starting a new relationship! June 26 Today Mercury, the messenger, enters the Fire sign of Leo, the Lion, making us more bold and brash in our conversations! June 27 Today we have a positive vibe for friendship, new activities as well as new food, homes, or ways of taking care of our homes, possessions now with a harmonious sextile between the Sun in the Water sign of Cancer, the Crab and Uranus, the planet of innovation and freedom in Taurus. Enjoy something new and different ! If you want a personal reading to understand how the planets are affecting you now, or just want to understand yourself /or get guidance on any area of life, contact me now for your private appointment by phone or my home office. I am available for individual readings at parties and events. Love and light, Ruth Nodel 269-668-3412 [email protected]
Ruth Nodel
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