Highlights: The Sun is in relationship, harmony and beauty oriented air sign Libra, until October 22nd. October starts and ends with Full Moons. Venus , the planet of love , moves into Service oriented Earth sign Virgo on October 2 , until October 27th, when it enters its home sign of Libra. Mercury, the messenger, goes retrograde on October 13th in secretive and research oriented Scorpio, until it goes direct on Election Day! November 3rd Pluto, the planet of power, transformation, and determination, goes direct on October 4th in Capricorn. The Sun is in Libra , the sign of peace, relationships, harmony, justice and beauty until she enters Scorpio on the 22th. Mercury moves backwards into Libra on the 27th , where it will stay until it goes forward into Scorpio again in November. October proves to be a both exciting, liberating, as well as very challenging month. October starts with a full moon in Action oriented , Self oriented Aries on the 1st. Time to find a balance with others and yourself October 2nd, Venus, the planet of love moves into the practical, Earth sign of Virgo, making us more concerned with health, wellness and service in our relationships. October 4th, Pluto, the planet of drive and transformation goes direct in Capricorn, helping us to move forward in our businesses and areas of life we manage. Hopefully positive changes for all. Be aware of the need for control. Be sensitive to others needs as well as your own; October 7th-Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Two stubborn signs have to find a way to open up to new ideas about money, sex, secrets and deep feelings. Good time for an Astrology reading! October 9th-Mars , still retrograde in Aries, makes a very active and tense square to Pluto in Capricorn. Good time for exercise. Also getting lots done, just be careful to not step on anyone’s toes in getting your way. This is a very intense transit. We are feeling a lot of feelings and it can bring up a lot of emotions. It is a good time to process feelings and ask questions before making assumptions, as Pluto can be very secretive. October 10th-Today Venus, in Virgo, is making a harmonious trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Good time for fun and new experiences of an earthy and practical nature. Enjoyment of friends is highlighted. October 11th-the Sun in Libra is making a tense square to Jupiter in Capricorn, forcing us to find a balance in our work and our relationships. The Sun in relationship oriented Libra is also making an inconjunction to Netptune in Pisces. This is an adjustment between our relationships and our dreams of what we wish for . Bring some spirituality into your relationships! Kindness, compassion, uplifting energies are called for. October 12th-Jupiter in Capricorn makes a practical and spiritual sextile to Neptune in Pisces. Find a way to express your spirituality and ideals in your day to day practical reality. Making your dreams come true! October 13th-Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio. Time to reassess , and not make any big decisions or purchases. Do not travel far for the next 3 weeks if you can. Today the Sun in Libra opposes Mars in Aries, still retrograde. Time to be very conscious of how you interact with others. You may find yourself either very excited and it is a good time for activity, but you also need to practice deep breathing and stress management techniques too. Watch out for others anger. Do not engage with that energy if you can , remain peaceful and calm, or walk away! Or find a way to harness the energy , like dancing or exercise ! October 15th-the Sun in harmonious Libra, makes another tense square to Pluto in Capricorn. Find ways to bring peace and understanding to those you work with. This can bring a tension out in the open that needs to be dealt with peacefully. October 16th-Today is a New Moon in Libra. This is a beautiful time to focus on our most important relationships and to set our intentions for where we want more peace, balance and beauty in our lives. Libra rules beauty, justice, the arts as well as partnerships. October 18th-Today the Sun in Libra makes a tense square to Saturn, the planet of responsibilities. Time to buckle down and do only what is truly important, as Saturn square Sun can slow us down and make us feel frustrated and tired. But it also makes us aware of what truly matters. Where you really need to put your energy now, is highlighted We also have a very romantic and escapist transit too of Venus in Virgo, opposite Neptune in Pisces. Take time to help someone else, but be careful not to overextend yourself. Be smart , yet kind, A very interesting day to be both kind , yet set some healthy boundaries with others. October 19th-Mars in Aries, still retrograde , makes a tense square to Jupiter, the plane of expansion, in Capricorn. Today we may want to do it all, but we still may have to be careful not to overdo it. But we probably will. Venus in Virgo makes a harmonious trine to Jupiter in Capricorn as well today, helping us to feel good about what we are getting done and achieving success in our practical, business and relationship areas. Venus in Virgo also makes an inconjunct , today to Mars in Aries, forcing us to make adjustments to what we need to do in our relationships and duties and what we personally want to do(Aries) Today we also have Mercury, now Retrograde in Scorpio, opposing Uranus a second time. Take time to reevaluate communications and ideas you expressed around the 7th. Time for new communications in regards to money, sex, and Psychic affairs.(Good time for a reading!) October 21st- Venus in Virgo, makes a harmonious trine to Pluto in Capricorn. This is a good day for all relationships, especially in regards to work , health and professional relationships. October 22nd- The Sun enters the Secretive, Mysterious Water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio rules the deeper emotions, shared finances , inheritances, taxes, life and death, sexuality, mediumship, research, and mysteries. October 24th-Today Venus in practical, service oriented Virgo, makes a stable trine to Saturn in Capricorn. Time to get things done and keep all promises. October 25th-The Sun makes a conjunction to Mercury, the messenger in Scorpio. Communications of a deep and revealing nature are highlighted. Time to seek deeper connections with others as well as the other side. Time for a mediumship reading! October 27th-Venus the planet of love, moves into its home sign of Libra, helping us to either get along better in general, or find a mate if you want one! Libra rules the arts, so this next month highlights a more social and artistic time. Libra is a Social Air sign, and it rules partnerships. Both professional and romantic, or friendship too. Whatever floats your boat! Libra needs companionship. It has a good sense of fairness, beauty and rules art, music, fashion, etc. Notice the Libras always look good! We end the month on a fun note of another Full Moon on October 31st, in Taurus. Today we also have The Sun in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. Expect the unexpected! Have some fun doing something new and different! Happy Halloween everyone. Make it Magical! Blessed be and Namaste Love and light, Ruth Nodel As always, If you need some guidance, clarity, empowerment or healing , contact me for a reading by phone or in person.
Ruth Nodel
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