We are under the influence now of quite a variety of both positive and challenging stars. Today and tomorrow we are under the extremely explosive, rebellious and restless energy of Mars in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries.
This is the time for all relationships to find a balance, whether to end them, or to renegotiate the terms of fairness and justice for all involved. Then, we have Mercury slowing down in the Truth telling sign of Sagittarius and going retrograde on Sunday. This means now is not the time to make any big life changes or decisions until the end of December or beginning of January. We also have a very magical aspect now with Jupiter in Scorpio makng a harmonious trine to Neptune in Pisces. This means that we have a lot of help now from the Universe(The Divine), to manifest our hearts desires! Remember to allow yourself to feel your feelings, trust your intuition , and ask the Universe for what you really want. And then give thanks for what is good and for already having what you want and be ready to be amazed! We are are under the magical energies of the Full moon on Sunday morning in the curious and communicative Air sign of Gemini opposite the Sun in Truth seeking fire sign Sagittarius. Now is the time to focus on what is truthful for you as well as truth in the world. We also have a rather dreamy and escapist square on Sunday between the Sun in Sagittarius and the planet of Spirituality , Neptune. With so.much going on now, the to find a way to communicate your truth with others and remember that it is important to keep ones word. Integrity is a word that is important now. Do be very clear with yourself first and then others. If you need any help navigating your life and getting clarity, empowerment, or spiritual healing , contact me for a private phone or in person session. Blessings everyone, Ruth Nodel 269_6683412(no texting) Healingheartpsychicservices.com [email protected]
Ruth Nodel
Psychic Empowerment Coach Archives
March 2021
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